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The images in my marginalia, memento mori, and manuscript maker pages are from the 12th-16th centuries and typically have the original source and/or artist in the file names.

Stamps and adoptables should all link to their original creators. I try to link to the creators of buttons and blinkies if I know them but many are far too old to to find a source.

Everything else should be listed here.


Image Original Source
Grande Bible historiale complétée 1370-1390
Horae ad usum Trecensem 1415-1420
Liège University Library Book of Hours, Ms. W.16, 15th century.
Liège University Library Book of Hours, Ms. W.16, 15th century.
Scrovegni Chapel Ceiling
Book of Hours, Belgium, MS M.39, 1515


Image Original Source
Liège University Library Book of Hours, Ms. W.16, 15th century.
Aberdeen Bestiary, 1200


Image Original Source

Les Echecs amoureux, 15th-century

Flames: Holkham Bible, 1327-1335

Justinian Digestum Vetus, 1300-1310


Image Original Source
The Luttrell Psalter, 1320-1340
Horae ad usum Rotomagensem date dedition, 1400-1500.jpg
German Bible, Hagenau - Workshop Diebold Lauber, 1441-1449
The Book of Knighthood, 1460
Vincent of Beauvais Speculum Historiale, Bruges, ca. 1455
Book of Hours, ca 1300-1310, Walters Art Museum
Lancelot-Graal. Estoire del saint Graal, Merlin en prose, Suite-Vulgate du Merlin, 1405
Roman de la Rose, 1490-1500
Red-figured pyxis depicting nereids, Greece, 440BC-415BC
Klosterneuburger Evangelienwerk, 1350
The Buxtehude Altar, Master Bertram, 1400-1410
GKS 1605 4° Psalterium 1500-1535
Ovide, Héroïdes, traduction d'Octavien de Saint-Gelais, 1497


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